‘Memories of Ileana Čura: film and discussion about the film” – WORKSHOP

Memories that never fade


  The film about the life of Professor Ileana Čura Sazdanić was shown as part of the third workshop in the Cultural Centre of Novi Sad in the Youth Forum, within the manifestation ‘Freezing Silence Speaks’. The author of the workshop Gordana Todorić and historian Stefan Radojković spoke about personalisation viewed from two angles – of those who survived and those who conducted Novi Sad Raid.

  Following the first workshop where audience had a chance to see where this crime happened and the second where they saw which texts preserve memory of the Raid, the third workshop was about personalisation. The author Gordana Todorić said that the entire life story of Ileana Čura is not tied solely to Novi Sad Raid. Ms Ileana and her family are written in golden letters in the history of Novi Sad.

– To personalise means to attribute real characteristics to a name. First of all, it is important to learn what it means to lose a human life, even if this is not an intellectual, or a high ranked person, or a person whose parent are not famous. In this concrete case the loss is great, but Professor Ileana Čura continued the tradition of her family, by learning, expanding knowledge and borders, connecting with people, and these are fundamental human values – said Ms Todorić.

  After film screening, the audience was addressed by Ms Ileana Čura via telephone. She thanked them for coming and in that way expressing compassion with the victims of Novi Sad Raid.

– Positive thoughts in situations when the evil is present in the world mean a lot to an individual. These are the days that take us back to the past, which is embedded in our present. We should try to forgive, but not forget, because each person should work on him/herself and should develop in his/her consciousness an approach to life that is filled with good and to pass it to wider community – said Ileana Čura, and after that the audience expressed their interest to ask her questions.

  The film about Professor Ileana Čura, who survived Novi Sad Raid by chance, is not just a reconstruction of her personal biography, but of family the members of which marked the map of the city with their deeds. After the workshop, the visitors went to the Art Gallery of the Cultural Centre to see the exhibition of photographs, memories and personal belongings of Ileana Čura. In these photographs they could see short display of her life, which was very exciting and eventful.

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