‘Text as testimony of the Raid; history, memoirs, fiction’ – WORKSHOP

Analysis and approach to a text as part of education process


  Workshop ‘Text as testimony of the Raid; history, memoirs, fiction’ by author and teacher Gordana Todorić was held in the Youth Forum of the Cultural Centre of Novi Sad. Historian Stefan Radojković complemented Ms Todorić’s lecture with historical facts. Written testimonies about the past – historical, memoir and literary, acquire their meaning only after they have been read and thought about.

  Visitors of the second workshop participated interactively and at the very beginning they got texts for discussion. Excerpts from books by Zvonimir Golubović, Dina Rajs, Lea Ljubibratić’s interview, excerpt from the novel ‘Hourglass’ by Danilo Kiš and a poem by Ružica Galac Popović, are some of the texts that were read and that are related to the Novi Sad Raid and events that occured in those days in Novi Sad.

  Gordana Todorić, the author of these workshops, familiarised visitors with the text as a document that can help in revealing and getting to know how horrific event the Raid was. Visitors, among which there were students of high schools in Novi Sad, could learn how to approach a text from different angles, and how to perceive all characteristics that a domestic source offers while reading it.

– When we read these texts today, we know that they are different in nature and structure. Therefore we must approach them in different ways. The present time has quite complex view of a text and text-centricity of culture. The most important question for me is – How do we train someone to approach a text? – said the author and added that the very way we approach a text and its analysis are part of the education process.

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